Popularization of LED lighting: commercial lighting first

Although the lighting industry is currently focusing on energy saving, high-efficiency and energy-saving lighting products are endless, but in many areas, lighting energy saving is just an empty talk, it is difficult to achieve it. For example, commercial lighting with large power consumption has serious problems.

    With the fashion and refinement of commercial store design, lighting energy consumption is also increasing, and the lighting energy consumption of stores generally accounts for about one-fifth of the total building energy consumption. Such a large cost does bring trouble to many owners, so how can commercial space lighting achieve the effect of energy-saving lighting?

    In the practice of energy-saving lighting, commercial space lighting has ensured safe use, creating a good and comfortable visual environment. Maximizing energy conservation has become a hurricane sweeping across the country. It is understood that in China's current energy consumption structure, building energy consumption has become a "large energy-consuming household." According to the National Political Coordination Research Group data, by 2020, China's building energy consumption will reach 1.09 billion tons of standard coal. Based on this estimate, each ton of coal is equivalent to 2,700 kWh of electricity based on China's discovered cost, which means that China's building energy consumption will reach 294.30 billion kWh, which will be more than the combined power generation of the Three Gorges Power Station for 34 years. Therefore, the importance of implementing green building design and carrying out energy conservation and consumption reduction for the sustainable development of the city is self-evident.

    In the building energy consumption, lighting energy consumption accounts for 35%. Faced with such large energy consumption, some cities in China have already listed the tasks of energy-saving renovation for retail, catering and life service enterprises, mainly from switching to energy-saving lamps. Install a variable frequency speed control device on the elevator. The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce released the “Guidance Catalogue for Energy-Saving Reform of Commercial Service Industries” to the society. Lighting power-saving is the main aspect of energy-saving for business service enterprises. Under the premise of ensuring illumination standards and lighting quality, efforts should be made to reduce the number of lighting systems. Energy loss. It is recommended to use energy-saving lighting sources and accessories, lighting control switches and power-saving control equipment and technology. It can be seen that in the provision and acceptance of relevant project content and application technologies by enterprises and enterprises, enterprises must increase their energy-saving investment by analyzing their own energy-saving loopholes, which is an important way to change the way enterprises transform economic growth, thus creating an “ecological business”.

    Under the national promotion of energy conservation and emission reduction, policy guidance and related mandatory indicators have injected a strong impetus into the market for energy-saving lamps. After the cultivation of the market, the performance, quality and adaptability of the energy-saving lamp products have been greatly improved. The promise of green energy-efficient lighting is in practice.

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