Video Welfare: Xing Nai Sui Xiang sang "VR Girlfriend" theme song

Welfare H Game "VR Girlfriend" Received Glare

You can believe that the well-known butter VR game "VR Girlfriend" is currently in the audition of the favored light, and my know-how, knowing that the conditions for passing the favored light is through the player's vote, this is for the VR Girlfriend. It's a breeze. I have vaguely heard a ticket from the wolf's screaming... The desire of the netizen to put “VR Girlfriend” into the bag can be understood, but at present, the lid product does not support Chinese, so it is currently in Steam. A ticket for translation.

H version of "Summer Classroom" Star Nao Sang singing theme song

To say that this month's news in the Japanese VR industry is the most concerned, it is undoubtedly the PSVR's sale. And comparable to it is the latest masterpiece of the Japanese butter maker ILLUSION, "VR Girlfriend." This is called the H version of "Summer Classroom" is to make up for the damage that otaku received in the "Summer Classroom". Recently, the theme song of this game has also been announced. The theme song is called "Balloon." The theme song is certainly not the focus. The key is that according to the related report, illusion, you invited the AV actress Nao Suixiang to sing the theme song! Then there is another gentleman player who is obscene, and if you can put Shinei Naoko into the game, it’s not to be fried. Now. . . Okay, Xiao Bian prays with everyone!

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