[Open lottery] [H7 four generations grab the building activity] Haimei Di Please do your product manager!

Event Review H7 Four Generations Grab the House Sea Medici Please Product Manager! Total Floor Number 27421 Floor Extract Password hmdh71008

Winning situation:

Prize Prize Level Proportion Floor Prize Winner Prize ID Remarks First prize 38% 10420 @csx521 Second prize 11% 3016 @ Bald head 45% 12339 @ Myth Witch 77% 21114 @qdlxg Third prize 5% 1371 @ttt62 8% 2194 @ Little bitch 11% 3016 @luoye1001 15% 4113 @ autumn I sweep the leaves 25% 6855 @hgb 27% 7404 @hybsxl 30% 8226 @shlclclc16 35% 9597 @41% @ daytime is not good 11243 @ Huacai 49% 13436 @ Chen Continent 55% 15082 @ Tianzhidao 2008 58% 15904 @ Zero or Zero 62% 17001 @ Moyao 69% 18920 @837333174 71% 19469 @ Wind has been blowing 76% 20840 @ Fish Swing 81% 22211 @zdhliaoning 89% 24405 @ The epilepsy 92% 25227 @arsen6 99% 27147 @tjsz

Award description:

1. A list of winners will be announced for three days. The winner will be awarded after no objection.
2. Winners must join the sofa network activity group (group number) to facilitate contact;
3, please win the winner within three days through the forum to submit personal information to the sofa Forum Moderator: Mi Xue sister. Must be submitted in the following manner for statistical convenience.

(Submission of winning personal information as of 12:00 noon on October 21, 2016)

Event Name: H7 Four Generations Grab Building Activities Haimei Di Please do your product manager!

4, if you can not submit personal information through the forum site, please contact the Mi Xue sister in the "sofa net - activity group (QQ group number)" to provide login forum screenshots and personal information.

Sun Description:

After receiving the prize for this event, please sip on the following sundry quotes without having to open a separate post sun award.

Sun H7 four generations grab a floor activity Haimei Di Please do your product manager!

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